If you are a women over 40 years of age and have over 40 lbs to lose, then you are in the right place. Approaching middle age definitely has some challenges when it comes to your weight. What may have worked in the past is no longer working. So it is time to step out of the box and do things differently.  After all, life at middle age is different than your life in your 20's or 30's. There are several steps to this 3 month program. Step 1: Stop gaining Step 2: Identify what is not working for you Step 3: Modify what you are currently doing Step 4: Adjust what you think about what you are currently doing Step 5: Combat self sabotage Step 6: Recognize your successes The above is what we will be covering in a 3 month time span (not necessarily in that order). There are no meal plans provided with this program, after this is not a one size fits all program. We will create a personalized plan together that is suited specifically to you. You will be changing what you eat, but you will be deciding what you want to change and when you want to change. Most weight loss plans fail because they are hard to stick to, or they change to many things at one time. Another problem with weight loss plans that provide meal plans - is they usually consist of foods that the client simply does not like, or does not want to eat. Following someone else's meal plan for you is just a version of another diet plan. To Purchase this course go to the: Course Pricing & Payments tab